
useEffect(): The Most Powerful React Hook

🚀 Dive into ReactJS’s dynamic world with the versatile useEffect hook! 🎣 The old ways of using traditional class components are over; now, useEffect reigns supreme, bringing the robust lifecycle functionalities to functional components in ReactJS! In React, managing side effects is crucial for building robust and efficient applications. useEffect is a React Hook that allows developers to perform side effects in function components. Understanding how to use useEffect effectively...

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Firebase Authentication with ReactJS

Authentication is the process that many organizations are used to confirm that only the right people, services, and apps with the right permissions can get organizational resources. It’s an important part of cybersecurity because a hacker or an unauthorized person’s number one priority is to get the unauthorized access to systems. They do this by stealing the credentials (username and password) of authorized users. User authentication is a crucial aspect...

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